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Internet Resources Related to Preventive Law

Resources For Individuals:

Nolo Press: This site is maintained by a publisher of consumer-oriented legal information. It includes references to publications as well as extensive online consumer information of interest to individuals looking for information about legal topics and self-help remedies.
Law Online: A comprehensive listing of links leading to online legal resources.  This site is maintained by Law Journal Extra!
A Business Owner's Guide to Preventive Law: An article describing areas of a business that should get a legal checkup and how to select a lawyer.

Resources For Professionals:

Law and the Physician: A Practical Guide: An online version of a preventive law text by Edward P. Richards and Katharine C. Rathbun.
Risklist -- Resources for the Risk Manager: A online listing of resources and links for those interested in the management of risks, including insurance; contingency planning; commercial law; health, safety and environmental information.
Preventive Law: Accomplishing a Revolution in Legal Practice: An assessment of the steps that lawyers should take to better deliver preventive law services to their clients.

Preventive Steps in Legal Practice: A description of preventive steps that lawyers can use in their own practices to prevent malpractice liability.

Resources For Corporations:

What is a Compliance Program?: A discussion of the basic purposes and features of a corporate compliance program.
Designing and Implementing an Effective Compliance Program: Practical advice on how to construct and carry out a compliance program in a corporate organization.
Developing a Program... What to Address?: An evaluation of approaches to use in ensuring that a corporate compliance program addresses an organization's likely compliance risks
A Framework for Compliance for Health Care Executives: A description of law compliance methods and systems for use in health care organizations.  Many of the techniques discussed are useful in other law compliance environments.
Creating a Compliance Culture in the Workplace: Discussion of the management techniques which can ensure that law compliance is viewed as an important performance quality issue is an organization.
The Role of Ethics, Incentives, and Private "Inspectors General" in Achieving "Effective" Compliance: Evaluation of means to ensure compliance with ethical and compliance standards in organizations.
Evaluating and Improving Compliance Programs: An article examining means to evaluate and improve compliance programs before they are put to the test in a liability crisis.
Training Methods in Compliance Programs: A discussion of methods that can be used to train employees concerning compliance standards and methods.
Containing the Costs of Compliance: An assessment of means to contain the operating cost associated with organizational compliance programs.
Planning and Budgeting for Compliance Costs: A discussion of means for measuring and planning for the costs of operating a compliance program.
Where Theory and Reality Converge: Three Corporate Experiences in Developing "Effective" Compliance Programs: Description of practical problems arising in corporate compliance programs.
Empirical Research on Compliance Practices: What Companies Say They Are Doing - What Employees Hear: Report on efforts to implement compliance practices and some of the unexpected impacts on employees.
Risks in Implementing a Compliance Program: A discussion of the possible liability risks associated with the implementation of a compliance program and means to reduce those risks.

Officer and Director Liability for Inadequate Legal Compliance Program: Description of developing standards holding corporate leaders personally liable for inadequate attention to corporate law compliance systems.

Resources Concerning Law Enforcement:

Sentencing Standards for Evaluating Law Compliance Programs: Federal sentencing guidelines for organizational offenders provide for reduced sentences if organizations have generally effective compliance programs in place when organizational employees commit offenses.  The sentencing guidelines include standards for constructing and evaluating organizational compliance programs.
Proposed Standards for Environmental Compliance Systems: Report of the Advisory Working Group on Environmental Offenses of the U.S. Sentencing Commission.   The report includes standards for evaluating environmental compliance systems.
Survey of Government Imposed Compliance Programs: Description of some of the compliance program components and practices that have been required by government officials in corporate consent decrees.
Privilege Update: When Should Compliance Practices Be Protected From Disclosure?: Evaluation of the need for privilege standards to encourage effective compliance monitoring and self-criticism within organizations.
In Search of Government's Ideal Role in Fostering "Good Corporate Citizenship": Analysis considering the combinations of government standards and enforcement strategies that will best encourage organizational efforts to pursue law compliance.
Developing Issues in the Legal Treatment of Corporate Compliance Programs: An assessment by government and private commentators about the future development of legal standards which turn on the quality of organizational law compliance programs.


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This page was last modified July 07, 1998